This is your hard-earned money that you could be paying towards your own home instead of someone else’s! Do you want to know more about how you can be paying off your own home?
First Home Buyers interested in our FREE INFORMATION SESSION Service have access to:
We want to help you open the door to your home, not push you into it.
Rent is money you will never get back! Rent is paying for a property you don’t own and that you won’t be building equity in. Ultimately, your money is building your landlord’s wealth and future, not your own – but have you done the maths on just how much this is really costing you?
If for example you are paying between $350 and $500 per week in rent over 30 years, and rent does not increase (even though it will and it will increase your cost significantly), this chart shows the actual cost of your rent you’re paying!
Lets See If You Qualify Today!
It only takes three simple steps to build your first home with us
578 Murray Street
West Perth, WA 6005